ruby - How do I make my rack app a gem? -

i have nice litte .ru file can run rackup want able publish as gem. assume can move lib directory , add gemspec else need can run run after installing gem?

gemspec+correct directory structure+(most importantly) placing script launch app(with run, probably) bin/ directory.

a little more details on gem binaries here


an example requested. have made gem called agent depends on sinatra(it depends on rack). has definition of agent::server:

module agent   # code goes here...   class server <  ::sinatra::base      '/sync'         [200, "yahoo!"]     end   end 

i created file called test following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby  require "rubygems" require "agent",   :port => 9000 ) 

then, if run chmod 0755 test , ./test after that, can go http://localhost:900/sync , see yahoo!.


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