android - AndEngine move two objects simultaneously -

i creating game using andengine , in want object flying in sky drop bombs below. using timehandler create both flying object , bombs. but not working properly. problems facing are:
1) instead of single bomb 2 or 3 bombs dropped.
2) , bomb objects not getting recycled. code recycling object getting called, doesn't seem work.

have noticed 1 thing i.e. suppose, have 1 flying object drops bomb. when bomb leaves screen, recycling code bomb object gets called once. , after sometime flying object leaves screen gets recycled. when flying object created , drops bomb, code recycling bomb getting called twice. third flying object, code recycling single bomb getting called thrice , on.

the code add flying object follows

private void createdragonhandler() {     timerhandler spritetimerhandler;     float meffectspawndelay = 10f;     spritetimerhandler = new timerhandler(meffectspawndelay, true,             new itimercallback() {                 @override                 public void ontimepassed(timerhandler ptimerhandler) {                     adddragon();                 }             });     getengine().registerupdatehandler(spritetimerhandler); }   public void adddragon() {     dragon dragon = (dragon) dragonspritepool.obtainpoolitem();     if (dragon.getparent() != mainscene)         mainscene.attachchild(dragon); }  public synchronized dragon obtainpoolitem() {     dragon = super.obtainpoolitem();     random rand = new random();     final int x = (int) (camera_width + resourcemanager.dragontextureregion             .getwidth());     int miny = (int) resourcemanager.dragontextureregion.getheight();     int maxy = (int) (camera_height / 2 - resourcemanager.dragontextureregion             .getheight());     int rangey = maxy - miny;     final int y = rand.nextint(rangey) + miny;     dragon.reset();     dragon.setvisible(true);     dragon.setignoreupdate(false);     dragon.animate(150);     dragon.setposition(x, y);     movexmodifier mod = new movexmodifier(15, dragon.getx(),             -dragon.getwidth());     float meffectspawndelay = 5f;     timerhandler spritetimerhandler = new timerhandler(meffectspawndelay,             true, new itimercallback() {                 @override                 public void ontimepassed(timerhandler ptimerhandler) {                     dragonfire dragonfire = birdshoot.dragonfirespritepool                             .obtainpoolitem(dragon.getx(), dragon.gety());                     birdshoot.mainscene.attachchild(dragonfire);                 }             });     dragon.registerentitymodifier(mod.deepcopy());     dragon.setnohit(0);     physicshandler mphysicshandler;     mphysicshandler = new physicshandler(dragon);     dragon.setphysicshandler(mphysicshandler);     dragon.registerupdatehandler(dragon.getmphysicshandler());     birdshoot.engine.registerupdatehandler(spritetimerhandler);     return dragon; } 


where writing code recycling sprite objects? according problem, see fishy there. might possible code not getting executed. code recycle sprites must this:-

public void onhandlerecycleitem(sprite sprite){     super.onhandlerecycleitem(sprite);     // code recycle object      } 

also should called using following line :



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