javascript - Why variable shows up as undefined? -

i querying user in friend request array works, check using useradd keeps showing undefined. know why showing undefined?

this code:

    exports.searchpost = function(req, res, err) {     user.find({$or:[             {firstname: req.body.firstname},             {lastname: req.body.lastname},             {email:},             {phone:}]     }, function(err, users) {         if(err) {              return res.render('searcherror', {title: 'weblio'});          } else {              if(req.body.firstname=== '' && req.body.lastname==='' &&'' && '') {                 //maybe  diff page saying not valid search page                 return res.render('searcherror', {title: 'weblio'});                     } else {                     var useradd;                     console.log('addman');                     users.foreach(function(user)  {                         user.findbyid(req.signedcookies.userid,                              {friendrequest: user._id}, function() {                                 if(user._id === true ) {                                     console.log('addman1');                                      return useradd = true;                                 } else {                                     console.log('addman2');                                     return useradd = false;                                     console.log(user._id);                                   }                              })                          });                      console.log(useradd);                  return res.render('searchresults', {title: 'weblio',                             usersfound: users,                      useradded: useradd                 });              }          }     }); }; 

it async, need use callback way chain actions. can try node modules async or step achieve in better syntax.

btw, don't think need loop through users.foreach(function(user).

if use step, can do

exports.searchpost = function(req, res, err) {     user.find({$or:[             {firstname: req.body.firstname},             {lastname: req.body.lastname},             {email:},             {phone:}]     }, function(err, users) {         if(err) {              return res.render('searcherror', {title: 'weblio'});          } else {              if(req.body.firstname=== '' && req.body.lastname==='' &&'' && '') {                 //maybe  diff page saying not valid search page                 return res.render('searcherror', {title: 'weblio'});                     } else {                 var useradd;                 console.log('addman');                  step(                     function(){                         user.findbyid(req.signedcookies.userid, {friendrequest: user._id}, this);                     },                      function(err, user){                         if(user !== null && user._id === true ) {                             console.log('addman1');                              useradd = true;                         } else {                             console.log('addman2');                             useradd = false;                             console.log(user._id);                           }                          return res.render('searchresults', {title: 'weblio',                                     usersfound: users,                              useradded: useradd                         });                     }                 );             }          }     }); }; 


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