Time spent on HierarchicalRequirement in Rally Rest API -

i have report hooks rally api web service. lists user stories , defects presentation external client. developers filling in time spend on tasks in time sheet, when try actual time spent using 'taskactualtotal' value, come 0.

the values definately recorded internal reports on timesheet produce these values.

do have call time spent using different method?


do developers enter time in time tracker module? there no connection between actuals , time tracker module. actuals predates time tracker.

the actuals field designed used during retrospectives provide insight on root causes missed commitments, while time tracker module designed report on development costs.

we recommend using actuals values teams new scrum or agile still working on providing estimates. comparing estimates actuals can valuable during retrospectives identify larger gaps in estimating might occurring.

for more established teams, recommend actuals field remain hidden these values can seem draw focus on amount of time or resources spent on particular functionality rather highlighting whether commitments made team whole.

of course, teams different in processes use , development cycle followed.

the intent of timesheet values more capturing , reporting on development cost billing , capitalization rather assisting completion or estimation charting. actuals however, designed assist in regard , live on tasks estimates , todo values , roll @ story level easy comparisons.

you may still query on actuals in ws api. example, have story 2 tasks, each estimate set 2, , actuals set 3. if query on user stories specific iteration story scheduled for, taskestimatetotal , taskacutaltotal long fetch them. here query:

https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/hierarchicalrequirement?workspace=https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/workspace/1111&query=(iteration.name = i5)&start=1&pagesize=20&fetch=taskestimatetotal,taskactualtotal 

and here relevant part of return:

 {         "_rallyapimajor": "2",         "_rallyapiminor": "0",         "_ref": "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/hierarchicalrequirement/22222",         "_objectversion": "9",         "_refobjectname": "my story",         "taskactualtotal": 6,         "taskestimatetotal": 4,         "_type": "hierarchicalrequirement"       } 

however query return results if estimate , actuals values entered on details page of tasks, , not in time tracker.

there 2 objects in our ws api relevant time tracker: timeentryitem , timeentryvalue.

here example of query on timeentryitem based ona worproduct.name:

https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/timeentryitem?workspace=https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/workspace/11111&query=(workproduct.name = us1)&start=1&pagesize=20&fetch=workproductdisplaystring,taskdisplaystring,values 

and relevant part of result:

{         "_rallyapimajor": "2",         "_rallyapiminor": "0",         "_ref": "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/timeentryitem/77777",         "_objectversion": "3",         "taskdisplaystring": "ta1: ta1",         "values": {           "_rallyapimajor": "2",           "_rallyapiminor": "0",           "_ref": "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/timeentryitem/77777/values",           "_type": "timeentryvalue",           "count": 2         },         "workproductdisplaystring": "us1: us1",         "_type": "timeentryitem"       }, 


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