javascript - I can't make a wireframe box -

i make rotating box, , it's working properly. change material code wireframe material linebasicmaterial. read three.js documentation , follow examples. doesn't show anything. plain white. change color hex, since default white.

this js fiddle example

  // revolutions per second   var angularspeed = 0.2;    var lasttime = 0;    // function executed on each animation frame   function animate(){     // update     var time = (new date()).gettime();     var timediff = time - lasttime;     var anglechange = angularspeed * timediff * 2 * math.pi / 1000;     cube.rotation.y += anglechange;     lasttime = time;      // render     renderer.render(scene, camera);      // request new frame     requestanimationframe(function(){         animate();     });   }    // renderer   var renderer = new three.webglrenderer();   renderer.setsize(window.innerwidth, window.innerheight);   document.body.appendchild(renderer.domelement);    // camera   var camera = new three.perspectivecamera(45, window.innerwidth / window.innerheight, 1, 1000);   camera.position.z = 500;    // scene   var scene = new three.scene();    // material   var mat = new three.lineabasicmaterial({color: 0x00aeef});    // primary cube (little one)   var cube = new three.mesh(new three.cubegeometry(200, 200, 200), mat);   cube.overdraw = true;   cube.rotation.x = math.pi * 0.1;   scene.add(cube);    // secondary cube (big one)   //var cube_big = new three.mesh(new three.cubegeometry(200,200,200), mat);   //cube_big.overdraw = true;   //cube_big.rotation.x = math.pi * 0.1;   //scene.add(cube_big);    // add subtle ambient lighting   var ambientlight = new three.ambientlight(0xbbbbbb);   scene.add(ambientlight);    // directional lighting   var directionallight = new three.directionallight(0xffffff);   directionallight.position.set(1, 1, 1).normalize();   scene.add(directionallight);    // start animation   animate(); 

anyway, i'm new js fiddle too, maybe there mistake when put code on js fiddle. copy paste code editor, erasing html , head tag, , copy script js field. on code editor, put on 1 html file.

you can use meshbasicmaterial or meshlambert material option: wireframe: true


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