python argparse: use arguments as values for a list -

i've google'd quite bit, , read argparse documentation think suggests using vars(). namespace violation expected, cant figure out path around issue.

essentially, take argparse multi-value argument , create list values can run for-loop through them. interface our vnx array reset data snapshot on developer environments.

when run command can see argparse getting values correctly, throwing namespace exception , not using values argument.

much appreciation guidance, link better docs explain problem better. know issue, , how want fix it, i'm not sure read(or google) around syntax-wise?

this when run code:

[ tmp]# ./ -e dev1 dev2 dev3

namespace(myenv=['dev1', 'dev2', 'dev3'])

traceback (most recent call last): file "./", line 43, in run_create_snap() file "./", line 36, in run_create_snap e in myenv: typeerror: 'namespace' object not iterable

[ tmp]#

#!/usr/bin/env python  import pexpect, sys, datetime, argparse, time fabric.api import *  parser = argparse.argumentparser() parser.add_argument('-e', '--myenv', nargs='*', type=str) print parser.parse_args()  array = "" seckey = "/opt/navisphere/blah" myenv = parser.parse_args() dbhosts = ['mongo01', 'mysql01']  # !! not change ids !! lunpnum = "0000000" mongo_plunid = "3" mysql_plunid = "4"  def delete_snap(env=myenv, host=dbhosts):     child = pexpect.spawn('naviseccli -secfilepath %s -h %s snap -destroy -id %s-%s-snap' % (seckey, array, host, env))     print child     child.logfile = sys.stdout     child.expect('are sure want perform operation\?\(y\/n\):')     child.sendline('n')  def create_snap(env=myenv, host=dbhosts, lunid=''):     print "naviseccli -secfilepath %s -h %s snap -create -res %s -name %s-%s-snap -allowreadwrite yes" % (seckey, array, lunid, host, env)  def run_delete_snap():     e in myenv:       h in dbhosts:         delete_snap(env=e, host=h)  def run_create_snap():     e in myenv:       h in dbhosts:         if "mysql" in h:           create_snap(env=e, host=h, lunid=mysql_plunid)         elif "mongo" in h:           create_snap(env=e, host=h, lunid=mongo_plunid)  run_create_snap() 

i believe problem in passing myenv:

myenv = parser.parse_args() 

i think mean

myenv = parser.parse_args().myenv 



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