mysql - declaring and using variables in a trigger -

i declaring variables in mysql trigger

delimiter // create trigger lestrigger     after insert on examinations    each row   begin     declare the_last_inserted_id int ;     declare the_class_id int;     declare the_year_id int;      set the_last_inserted_id = last_insert_id();     set the_class_id = select examination_class_id examinations examination_id = the_last_inserted_id;     set the_year_id = select examination_class_year_id examinations examination_id = the_last_inserted_id;      insert examination_data (ed_cs_id,ed_examination_id) select cs_id class_students cs_class_id = the_class_id , cs_year_id = the_year_id,the_last_inserted_id;  end   // delimiter ; 

but keep getting error

/* sql error (1064): have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'select examination_class_id examinations examination_id = the_last_in' @ line 10 */

is way using variables syntactically right?.

use into keyword

select examination_class_id the_class_id examinations examination_id = the_last_inserted_id; select examination_class_year_id the_year_id examinations examination_id = the_last_inserted_id; 


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