- User controls with update panel on each one do not update correctly -

i have 2 user controls on aspx page. both of them has update panel , updatemode property set conditional:

first 1 (votecontrol):

<asp:updatepanel id="voteupdatepanel" runat="server" updatemode="conditional">   <contenttemplate>     <div class="vote">       <div class="counter">         <asp:label id="lblvotecount" runat="server" />       </div>       <div class="vote-up">         <asp:imagebutton id="btnvote" runat="server" imageurl="~/app_themes/defaulttheme/images/br_up.png" onclick="btnvote_click" />       </div>     </div>   </contenttemplate>   <triggers>     <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="btnvote" eventname="click" />   </triggers> </asp:updatepanel> 

and other 1 (commentcontrol) updatepanelanimationextender:

<asp:updatepanel id="commentupdatepanel" runat="server" updatemode="conditional">   <contenttemplate>     <asp:gridview id="gvcomments" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="false" showfooter="false"       showheader="false" gridlines="none" skinid="simplegrid-noformat">       <columns>         <asp:templatefield>           <itemtemplate>             <div class="contents">               <table style="width: 100%">                 <tr>                   <td>                     <%# "<b>" + eval("addedbyname") + "</b>" %>                     <%# eval("commentbody") %>                   </td>                   <td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 70px; padding-right: 10px">                     <div class="gravatar">                       <ajaxtoolkit:gravatar id="gravatar1" runat="server" width="64px" height="64px" email='<%# eval("addedbyemail") %>' />                     </div>                   </td>                 </tr>               </table>             </div>           </itemtemplate>         </asp:templatefield>       </columns>     </asp:gridview>     <asp:panel id="addcommentpanel" runat="server">       <div class="add-comment">         <div id="maincomment">           <asp:panel id="commentpanel" runat="server" clientidmode="static">             <div class="comment-title">               <h2>comments</h2>             </div>             <div>               <asp:textbox id="txtcommentbody" runat="server" skinid="formatedtextboxrtl" width="99%" textmode="multiline" height="100px" />               <div class="add">                 <asp:button id="btnsavecomment" runat="server" text="submit" skinid="simplebutton"                   validationgroup="comment" onclick="btnsavecomment_click" />                 <asp:hyperlink id="hyperlink1" runat="server" text="discard" />               </div>             </div>           </asp:panel>         </div>         <div id="tanks">           <asp:panel id="messagepanel" runat="server" visible="false">             <div>                           </div>           </asp:panel>         </div>       </div>     </asp:panel>   </contenttemplate>   <triggers>     <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="btnsavecomment" eventname="click" />   </triggers> </asp:updatepanel>  <ajaxtoolkit:updatepanelanimationextender id="upae" runat="server" behaviorid="animation" targetcontrolid="commentupdatepanel"   alwaysfinishonupdatinganimation="true">   <animations>           <onupdating>             <sequence>               <parallel duration="0">                   <enableaction animationtarget="btnsavecomment" enabled="false" />               </parallel>               <parallel duration=".25" fps="30">                 <fadeout animationtarget="comments" minimumopacity=".2" />               </parallel>             </sequence>           </onupdating>           <onupdated>             <sequence>               <parallel duration=".25" fps="30">                   <fadein animationtarget="comments" minimumopacity="1" />               </parallel>               <parallel duration="0">                   <enableaction animationtarget="comments" enabled="true" />               </parallel>              </sequence>           </onupdated>   </animations> </ajaxtoolkit:updatepanelanimationextender> 

so, commentcontrol works fine, when click btnvote on votecontrol, commentcontrol starts updating , stay in update mode! code have been fired , when refresh aspx page, every things (database takes effects).
not know miss or fault. please me in this?


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