c# - ReportViewer control - axd url -

i've embedded microsoft.reporting.webforms.reportviewer control in aspx. site works on mysite.com. when try exmple export report, there new black window opened address mysite.com/reserved.reportviewerwebcontrol.axd... it's working fine. but.. pass axd via proxy. mean, i'd force export use url myproxy.mysite.com/reserved.reportviewerwebcontrol.axd... redirect request mysite.com/reserved.reportviewerwebcontrol.axd... i've noticed, link build within js (that inlcuded in axd):

exportreport: function(format) {     if (this.exporturlbase == null)         return false;     window.open(this.exporturlbase + encodeuricomponent(format), "_blank");     return true; },  

the url axd stored in exporturlbase. how can change proxy serwer url?

it possible modify exporturlbase field in javascript. report stored in placeholder somewhere on page, once found can create call _getinternalviewer() function on gain access exporturlbase. have @ following code:

function modifyexporturlbase() {     var rv = null;     var r = null;     try     {         // report viewer         rv = this.$find("ctl31");         r = rv._getinternalviewer();     }     catch(err)     {         console.log(err)         settimeout(modifyexportfilename, 2000)         return;     }     if(r == null)     {         settimeout(modifyexportfilename, 2000);         return;     }     else{         r.exporturlbase = "/yourproxypath" + r.exporturlbase     } } modifyexporturlbase(); 

the timeouts necessary because reports received asynchronously , work once reports loaded.

the ctl31 found using inspect element feature on firebug check actual download link, there onclick method utilizes id of report on page. other sites have looked @ indicated may "reportviewer" if using dynamic crm. easiest way find out check firebug or developer tools.

unfortunately not complete fix issue exporturlbase not store entire url, url relative domain, ie, exporturlbase = "reserved.reportviewerwebcontrol.axd..." not "www.yoursite.com/reserved.reportviewer..." however, once can change this, can create directory in inetpub folder new config , redirect link through folder use config.





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