bioinformatics - Partially Merging Data Sets in R -

i have 2 data files this:

bin chrom   chromstart  chromend    name    score   strand 23  chr1    119537649   119537708   a_14_p109202    1000    + 109 chr1    37879762    37879821    a_16_p15088121  1000    + 129 chr1    59113425    59113484    a_16_p00074945  1000    + 138 chr1    68288459    68288517    a_16_p00088142  1000    + 


hybridization ref   tcga-02-0001-01c-01d-0185-02        composite element ref   normalizedlog2ratio     a_14_p112718    0.034472223     a_16_p15000916  -0.038733669        a_16_p15001074  -0.498562753        a_16_p00000012  -0.269915751      


using names first column of second file, need extract additional data data table in first file. however, not every name in second file appears in first. having problems getting files merge properly. appreciated.

if place all.x=true in merge command; of records first data frame in merged dataframe, if don't have match in second. problem encountering? in example gave none of rownames matched of observations in name variable.

bin<-c(23,109,129,138) chrom<-c("chr1","chr1","chr1","chr1") chromstart<-c(119537649,37879762,59113425,68288459)   name<-c("a_14_p109202", "a_16_p15088121", "a_16_p00074945","a_16_p00088142") b<- data.frame(cbind(bin,chrom,chromstart,name))  y <- data.frame(c(0.034472223    ,-0.038733669 , -0.498562753 ,-0.269915751))  rownames(y)<-c("a_14_p112718","a_16_p15000916","a_16_p15001074","a_16_p00000012")   print(b) print(y)  #check rows nrow(b) nrow(y)  #write rownames new variable y$name <- rownames(y)  #conduct merge newdataframe <- merge(b, y, by=("name"), all.x = true )  #check number of rows nrow(newdataframe) 


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