Delete whole element from xml with php -

is there simple way amend following php script include delete button - each item in loop there button submit changes, add button removes element , children.

i new php trying understand how use in combination xml - appreciated.

here php

<?php if(isset($_get['e'])){ //if date submitted, edit //var_dump($_get);die;     //load scores xml file     $scores = new domdocument();     $scores -> load('content.xml');      //get <games> tag     $games = $scores -> getelementsbytagname('brand');      //loop through each found game     foreach ($games $game) {         $child = $game->getelementsbytagname("id")->item(0);         $oldtitle = $game->getelementsbytagname("title")->item(0);         $oldscore = $game->getelementsbytagname("schedule_date")->item(0);         $oldrow = $game->getelementsbytagname("image")->item(0);         $id = $child->nodevalue;         if($id==$_get['e']){ //the date date asked for.             $game -> replacechild($scores -> createelement("title", $_get['title']),$oldtitle);             $game -> replacechild($scores -> createelement("schedule_date", $_get['schedule_date']),$oldscore);             $game -> replacechild($scores -> createelement("image", $_get['image']),$oldrow);         }     }      //save again     $scores -> save('content.xml'); } ?> <hr> <?php //load scores xml file $scores = new domdocument(); $scores -> load('content.xml');  //get <games> tag $games = $scores -> getelementsbytagname('brand');  //loop through each game foreach ($games $game) {     //print each edit link.     $id = $game->getelementsbytagname("id")->item(0)->nodevalue;     $title = $game->getelementsbytagname("title")->item(0)->nodevalue;     $score = $game->getelementsbytagname("schedule_date")->item(0)->nodevalue;     $row = $game->getelementsbytagname("image")->item(0)->nodevalue;     echo '<h3>'.$id . '</h3>     <form method="get" action="">         <input type="hidden" name="e" value="'.$id.'">         title: <input type="text" value="'.$title.'" name="title"><br>         score: <input type="text" value="'.$score.'" name="schedule_date"><br>         row: <input type="text" value="'.$row.'" name="image"><br>         <input type="submit" value="edit">     </form>     <hr>'; } ?> 

an here example xml

<brand> <title></title> <schedule_date></schedule_date> <image></image> </brand> 

making form:

  <form method="get" action="">     <input type="hidden" name="e" value="'.$id.'">     title: <input type="text" value="'.$title.'" name="title"><br>     score: <input type="text" value="'.$score.'" name="schedule_date"><br>     row: <input type="text" value="'.$row.'" name="image"><br>     <input type="submit" value="edit">   </form>   <form method="post" action="">      <input type="hidden" name="deleteid" value="'.$id.'">      <input type="submit" name="action" value="delete">   </form> 

using form:

if(isset($_post['action']) && $_post['action']=='delete'){    $scores = new domdocument();    $scores -> load('content.xml');    $xpath = new domxpath($scores);     //you might want clean $_post['deleteid'], don't know what's valid:    $id = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i','',$_post['deleteid']);     //searching nodes in dom best handled in xpath (unless getelementbyid() works)    $search = $xpath->query('//id[.="'.$id.'"]/ancestor::game'); //use '/../'  if direct child     if($search->length = 1){ //0 not found, > 1 multiple nodes!        $deletenode = $search->item(0);        //this dom way of deleting item.        $deletenode->parentnode->removechild($deletenode);    }    $scores->save('content.xml'); } 


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