design - What's Good for a Technology-based Website's Theme? -

i'm in process of revamping website , wanted other opinions (preferably other web developers/designers) whether dark-based designs idea technology-based website such mine?

it looks this plan on redesigning aspects of layout:

  1. replace imagery used content background more simplistic solid color, adding slight opacity allow space background through; remove rounded borders.

  2. make navigation use less imagery , rely more on standard html , css procedures; accessibility tools moved navigation menu if possible.

  3. introduce official mobile theme website, showcasing same content main website, in fluid , adaptive manner. want run default url (no mobile subdomain) , background imagery different.

also, recent study showed 44% of web users preferred light-based themes, although study didn't specify types of websites these were. i'm therefore questioning suitability of design tech-based informative site this. alternative 'switch light theme' mode necessary?

overall, design work well? if not, suggest improvements? (i'm aware of broken links.)

it website's third birthday, , revamp bring serious technological market.

i explanation how can carry out #3 on list. appreciated.

thank you, dylan.

design isn't game know technical aspects of responsive design.

you have 2 paths:

  • responsive css
  • having standalone mobile site

the responsive css far eaiset implement. copy of twitter bootstrap , read docs on responsive design.

the standalone site allow customize site mobile environment means re-creating lot of content. if want go route have setup server check user-agent http request , redirect user site specially made mobile environment. in php can use $_server['http_user_agent'] check mobile browser.

good luck!


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