javascript - Making an element draggable without jquery ui? -

i'm trying build image cropper similar twitters - i'm stuck on ability drag image. best way without resorting jquery ui?

<div class="canvas">     <span class="window"></span>     <img src="" class="draggable" /> </div> 

i want able move drag image around inside .canvas div.

something work: jsfiddle

var thedraggable = null;  $(document).ready(function () {      $('.draggable').on({         mousedown: function () { thedraggable = $(this); },         mouseup: function () { thedraggable = null; }     });      $(document).mousemove(function (e) {          if (thedraggable) {              thedraggable.css({'top': e.pagey, 'left': e.pagex});         }     }); }); 

and css add this: .draggable { position:absolute; }

you rewrite , add form of easing on repositioning, change cursor or add more precise starting point based on initial click happened on picture overall, should started.


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