Proper way to set off() in jquery hammer events -

i'm wondering best way setting hammer.js configuration on simple document i'm working on. here's code:

var tappablearea = $('.content'); var touchablearea = $('.sidebar');  function reloadhammergestures() {   tappablearea.hammer().off("doubletap");   touchablearea.hammer().off("swipeleft swiperight");   hammergestures(); }  function hammergestures() {   tappablearea.hammer().off("doubletap");   touchablearea.hammer().off("swipeleft swiperight");    if (fullscreenmode()) {     touchablearea.hammer().on("swipeleft swiperight", function(event) {       alert("swiped!");   });    else if (!fullscreenmode()) {     tappablearea.hammer().on("doubletap", function(event) {       alert("tapped");     });   } }  $(document).ready(function() {  hammergestures(); });  $(window).resize(function () {   reloadhammergesture();; }); 

and function both loaded on $(document).ready() , (window).resize(), that's why i'm making .off() in beginning.. i'm wondering wrong method on getting disabled when screen-mode conditional changes, if can me in improving code, i'll happy.

take care , have nice day:)

well can this:


or $(touchablearea).unbind() work.

or both:

$('#touchablediv, #tappablediv').unbind() 

also: see on github added hammer.destroy() method.

also, see: removing hammer events


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