python - django-cms and error with CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF -

in project have error:

" file "/home/xxx/www/yyy/cms/utils/", line 43, in validate_placeholder_name raise improperlyconfigured("placeholder identifiers names may not " django.core.exceptions.improperlyconfigured: placeholder identifiers names may not contain non-ascii characters. if wish placeholder identifiers contain non-ascii characters when displayed users, please use cms_placeholder_conf setting 'name' key specify verbose name. "

my hasn't got cms_placeholder_conf, default {} - empty dict.

any idea why have error , not have default settings?

your error in line

content = placeholderfield(_(u'content'), help_text="plugins") 

you can't pass translatable string placeholder name(slot) because 1 of translations have non-ascii character, not mention multiple problems arise since string used identifier. here's do:

content = placeholderfield(u'content', help_text="plugins") 

and add proper translatable string in configuration placeholder allows give more human readable name , have in different languages using django translations framework:

cms_placeholder_conf = {     'content': {         'name': gettext("content"),     }, } 


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