python - finding a missing tags -

i make test on xml file find place specific tag missing ( tag 'terminal'), test don't work well

from xml.dom import minidom xmldoc = minidom.parse('c:\\test\mydoc.xml') #printing number of blocs in xml file itemlist = xmldoc.getelementsbytagname('aclinesegment')    print('************') s in itemlist :      if s.childnodes['name'].value == 'terminal':          print s.childnodes['name'].value 

here exemple of xml file:

 <aclinesegment name="t261"  description="" aliasname="">  <link_conducting pathb=""/> <terminal name="t1" description="" aliasname=""> <link_terminal pathb=""/> </terminal> <terminal name="t2" description="" aliasname=""> <link_terminal pathb=""/> </terminal> </aclinesegment> <aclinesegment name="t262"  description="" aliasname=""> <link_conducting pathb=""/> <terminal name="t1" description="" aliasname=""> <link_terminal pathb=""/> </terminal> <terminal name="t2" description="" aliasname=""> <link_terminal pathb=""/> </terminal>     </aclinesegment>  <aclinesegment name="t263"  description="" aliasname=""> <link_conducting pathb=""/> </aclinesegment> enter code here 

how this:

from xml.dom import minidom xmldoc = minidom.parse('c:\\test\mydoc.xml') #printing number of blocs in xml file itemlist = xmldoc.getelementsbytagname('aclinesegment')   item in itemlist:     found = false     child in item.childnodes:         if child.nodename == 'terminal':             found = true     if not found:         print item.getattribute('name') 

this code prints value of name attribute of every aclinesegment element not contain terminal element:


edit: more succint use:

for item in itemlist:     if len([x x in item.childnodes if x.nodename == 'terminal']) == 0:         print item.getattribute('name')   

this code same logic. inner [] part python list comprehension useful.

it creates list of child nodes of type terminal. if length of list 0 item didn't have any.


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