android translate animation clips the part of view not shown on screen -

i have relative layout containing textviews floats on gridview. when select item in grid, layout moves down end of screen , 1/5th of visible. done using simple translate animation. when click button in grid, need relative layout move original position on top of gridview. did translate animation , happnening, portion of relativelayout visible when collapsed translating (moving) , other portion becomes visible after animation has ended. looks ugly.

i know android doesnt draw portion of view not visible on screen. there way force draw full portion ?

my animation code given below:

  public void smoothexpanderanimate(final int finaltarget,final relativelayout expander,final int animatetoy,final boolean setexpanded,final boolean refreshgrid) {     final relativelayout.layoutparams head_params = (relativelayout.layoutparams)expander.getlayoutparams();     translateanimation anim = new translateanimation(0f, 0f, 0f, animatetoy);     anim.setduration(400);      //timelistheight = list.getheight();     //anim.setfillafter(true);     anim.setanimationlistener(new animationlistener() {         @override         public void onanimationstart(animation animation) {             //should try here ?          }          @override         public void onanimationrepeat(animation animation) {         }          @override         public void onanimationend(animation animation) {             head_params.topmargin = finaltarget;             expander.clearanimation();             expander.setlayoutparams(head_params);              isexpanded = setexpanded;             isanimating = false;                if(!setexpanded)             {                 setchildheight(timelistheight, list);             }         }     });        isanimating = true;     expander.startanimation(anim); } 

i found solution this.

if dont need support lower api levels , fine api level 11 onwards, can use objectanimator this. objectanimator has translatey method works quite well.

if need support api 8 onwards, need make sure view comes within bounds of screen , animates. following code modification did trick.

i know seems weird, let me know if there better way this.

 public void smoothexpanderanimate(boolean addspecialfix,final int finaltarget,final relativelayout expander,final int animatetoy,final boolean setexpanded,final boolean refreshgrid) {     final relativelayout.layoutparams head_params = (relativelayout.layoutparams)expander.getlayoutparams();     translateanimation anim = new translateanimation(0f, 0f, 0f, animatetoy);     anim.setduration(400);     expander.setvisibility(view.invisible); //make view invisible      if(isexpanded && addspecialfix){        //this fix          int old = head_params.topmargin;         head_params.topmargin = finaltarget;         expander.clearanimation();         expander.setlayoutparams(head_params); //move invisible view final position     anim = new translateanimation(0f, 0f, old-closedy, 0);     log.d("asdasd", old+"");     anim.setduration(400);       }     //timelistheight = list.getheight();     //anim.setfillafter(true);     anim.setanimationlistener(new animationlistener() {         @override         public void onanimationstart(animation animation) {          }          @override         public void onanimationrepeat(animation animation) {         }          @override         public void onanimationend(animation animation) {             head_params.topmargin = finaltarget;             expander.clearanimation();             expander.setlayoutparams(head_params);              isexpanded = setexpanded;             isanimating = false;             expander.setvisibility(view.visible);             if(refreshgrid)             {                 mcaladapter.notifydatasetchanged();             }              if(!setexpanded)             {                 setlistheight(timelistheight, list);             }         }     });        isanimating = true;     expander.startanimation(anim); } 


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