vb.net - If Background Worker is a background thread how come I can executed this code? -

researching found out background worker background thread, when run following code background worker still runs until end when main procedure exited. isn't feature reserved foreground threads?


public class form1     private sub form1_load(sender object, e eventargs) handles mybase.load         'run background worker         backgroundworker1.runworkerasync()         'display exit message         msgbox("main procedure exited")     end sub      private sub backgroundworker1_dowork(sender object, e system.componentmodel.doworkeventargs) handles backgroundworker1.dowork         'wait 10 seconds         threading.thread.sleep(10000)         'modify numbers         dim variable = 3         variable -= 1         'display exit message         msgbox("background thread " & variable & " exited")     end sub end class 

the form1_load method not "main procedure", message box you're displaying @ end of lie. that's event handler method form.load event, raised when form being displayed first time.

the "main procedure" named main , defined in separate file (actually, in vb.net, it's automatically generated compiler , not visible default). can find more information on main method in microsoft's vb programming guide.

the main method still running long program still running. after form1_load event handler method finishes, form1 still on screen, program hasn't closed yet. , since program's main thread still running, backgroundworker object's background thread still running, asynchronously, told to.


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