Adding a WinForm control to a Word Document using VSTO -

i'd add labels word document, in margin. i've seen things date pickers , combo boxes can added document, can't see i'm after.

i can controlcollection object via:


but there no methods adding labels.

are there alternative methods adding labels document using vsto?


so managed insert winform labels, extremely slow, confirmed in post:

so i'm still looking alternatives. cannot find label-like contentcontrols suggested in thread above.

so solution settled on use word shapes. snippet of code below shows how add label shape document.

shape shape =     doc.shapes.addlabel(office.msotextorientation.msotextorientationhorizontal,                                                                          left,                                                                           top,                                                                         width,                                                                        height,                                                                         range); 

the process of adding multiple labels no means lightning fast, faster adding winform controls document. shapes give flexibility place wherever want on page too, contentcontrols not offer.


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