c# - Error "cascade delete on" -
i have problem. need add "cascade delete on" in constraint [fk_sumaroute_suma] :
create table [dbo].[sumaroute] ( [id] int identity (1, 1) not null, [sumaid] int not null, [routeid] int not null, constraint [pk_sumaroute] primary key clustered ([id] asc), constraint [fk_sumaroute_suma] foreign key ([sumaid]) references [dbo].[suma] ([id]) ***** here !!! *****, constraint [fk_sumaroute_route] foreign key ([routeid]) references [dbo].[route] ([id]) on delete cascade );
but sql server return errors:
creating fk_part_suma1... (104,1): sql72014: .net sqlclient data provider:
msg 1785, level 16, state 0, line 1
introducing foreign key constraint 'fk_part_suma1' on table 'part' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. specify on delete no action or on update no action, or modify other foreign key constraints.
(104,1): sql72014: .net sqlclient data provider:
msg 1750, level 16, state 0, line 1
not create constraint or index. see previous errors.
error occurred while batch being executed.
my tables:
create table [dbo].[suma] ( [id] int identity (1, 1) not null, [sumaname] nvarchar (50) not null, constraint [pk_suma_1] primary key clustered ([id] asc) ); create table [dbo].[route] ( [id] int identity (1, 1) not null, [routename] nvarchar (50) not null, constraint [pk_route] primary key clustered ([id] asc) );
edit: next tables
create table [dbo].[part] ( [id] int identity (1, 1) not null, [partname] nvarchar (50) not null, [sumaid] int not null, [place] nvarchar (50) null, [time] time (7) null, constraint [pk_part] primary key clustered ([id] asc), constraint [fk_part_suma1] foreign key ([sumaid]) references [dbo].[suma] ([id]) ); create table [dbo].[order] ( [id] int identity (1, 1) not null, [partid] int not null, [routeid] int null, [sumaid] int not null, [driverid] int null, [express] bit constraint [df_order_express] default ((0)) not null, [status] int constraint [df_order_status] default ((0)) not null, [timeleft] datetime not null, [starttransport] datetime null, [created] datetime null, constraint [pk_order] primary key clustered ([id] asc), constraint [fk_order_part] foreign key ([partid]) references [dbo].[part] ([id]) on delete cascade, constraint [fk_order_route] foreign key ([routeid]) references [dbo].[route] ([id]) on delete cascade, constraint [fk_order_suma] foreign key ([sumaid]) references [dbo].[suma] ([id]) on delete cascade, constraint [fk_order_user] foreign key ([driverid]) references [dbo].[user] ([id]) on delete cascade ); create table [dbo].[user] ( [id] int identity (1, 1) not null, [pin] nchar (4) not null, [sumaidsigned] int null, [routeidsigned] int null, [name] nvarchar (50) not null, [surname] nvarchar (50) not null, [type] bit not null, [tokengcm] nvarchar (400) null, [tokenaccess] nvarchar (50) null, [signedtime] datetime null, constraint [pk_user] primary key clustered ([id] asc), constraint [fk_user_route] foreign key ([routeidsigned]) references [dbo].[route] ([id]), constraint [fk_user_suma] foreign key ([sumaidsigned]) references [dbo].[suma] ([id]) );
i can remove suma, route , user. if remove suma row (id = 5) , order contain sumaid(5) need remove orders sumaid(5).
what have doing pls? sorry english :)
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