iphone - iOS background location updates -

i have created app uses location updates in background. have submitted app apple got rejected apple on ground using location updates in background rather using significant location update , shape based region monitoring. app takes location updates , provided user specific updates, works scenarios , have made code better save battery. apple's suggested approach problem i'm getting significant location update , shape based region monitoring location accuracy. significant location update events fired region within cell tower range or 100 m - 3000 m rather when user enters region lat long 100 m radius. i've had many conversations apple , don't seem care developers , new technologies creating. there developer faced same problem of using background location update other navigation , got accepted or has used significant location update shape based monitoring provide precise updates better location accuracy.

any much appreciated.

varun welcome community.

here lines docs
any app requests background location services should use services provide tangible benefit user. example, turn-by-turn navigation app candidate background location services because of need track user’s position , report when time make next turn.

so if using standard location service , whenever updates , not doing update (in terms of user not coding) there high chances apple may reject app, did.

so what's solution then?
1. answer try submitting app other approach.
2. try submitting app other name :d

solution number 1. instead of using standard services use significant location service gives accuracy of around hundreds of meters 200-1700 m , track if user moving near spot or far away spot.
if user moving near spot , user around 500m (depends upon you) near spot start standard location services , track user going if user enters spot show user "catch you" or if user moves away spot (>500m) stop standard location service , start significant location service.


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