Javascript loop, counter equals 0 two times in a loop -

so working on little slideshow script. problem i equals 0 2 times in loop. in following code piece of code:

for (var = 0; children.length > i; i++ ) {          (function(children, i, time){             settimeout (function(){                 // fade out current slide                 settimeout(function(){                         fadeitout(children[i]);                     },2000);                  // wait execution of if statement                 var nextslide = window.setinterval(function(){                     // if current slide not first slide                     // , if slide before current slide has faded out                    if(children[i-1] && children[i-1].style.opacity === "") {                        // show next slide                         children[i].style.display = 'block';                        nextslide = window.clearinterval(nextslide);                    }                       // if current slide first slide                     else if (i === 0) {                         // show                         children[i].style.display = 'block';                     }                 },1);              }, time);          })(children, i,  time)          time += 2000;     } 

this whole script:

var magic = window.setinterval(function(){ if (document.readystate === "complete") {      // globals     var children = document.getelementbyid('slide-container').children,         time = 2000;      // fadeout function     function fadeitout (element) {         var child = element;         // current opacity         function opacityno (element) {             if ( === "") {                 return 1;             } else {                 return;             }         }; = opacityno(child);         //decrase opacity 0 1         var decrase = window.setinterval(function(){    -= 1/100;             if ( <= 0.01) {        = "";            = 'none';                     decrase = window.clearinterval(decrase);             }         },1);      };       // start show     (var = 0; children.length > i; i++ ) {          (function(children, i, time){             settimeout (function(){                 // fade out current slide                 settimeout(function(){                         fadeitout(children[i]);                     },2000);                  // wait execution of if statement                 var nextslide = window.setinterval(function(){                     // if current slide not first slide first                      // , if slide before current slide has faded out                    if(children[i-1] && children[i-1].style.opacity === "") {                        // show next slide                         children[i].style.display = 'block';                        nextslide = window.clearinterval(nextslide);                    }                       // if current slide first slide                     else if (i === 0) {                         // show                         children[i].style.display = 'block';                     }                 },1);              }, time);          })(children, i,  time)          time += 2000;     }       // end show     console.log(time);        magic = window.clearinterval(magic);  } else {     console.log("..."); } }, 1000); 

the point waits until previous slide faded out before showing next slide.

i use along html: `

<head>     <meta charset="utf-8">     <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge,chrome=1">     <title></title>     <meta name="description" content="">     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">     <script type="text/javascript" src="slideshow.js"></script> </head> <body>     <ul id="slide-container">         <li style="display: none;"><img src=""></li>         <li style="display: none;"><img src=""></li>         <li style="display: none;"><img src=""></li>     </ul>  </body> 


when run see when first image has faded out, appears again.


please see this jsfiddle

it working removing else if statement verify if i === 0. verification must done in previous if statement.

if((children[i-1] && children[i-1].style.opacity === "") || === 0) {     // show next slide     children[i].style.display = 'block';     window.clearinterval(nextslide); } 

i'm suggesting play around z-index placing next image behind active one. prevent background shown , transition nicely.


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