objective c - resignFirstResponder does not hide the keyboard -

i trying include uitextfield inside uialertview following code:

uialertview *newlabel = [[uialertview alloc]initwithtitle:@"new label" message:@"\n" delegate:self cancelbuttontitle:@"cancel" otherbuttontitles:@"ok", nil]; uitextfield *newlabelnamefield = [[uitextfield alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake(12.0, 45.0, 260.5, 25.0)]; newlabelnamefield.placeholder = @"label name"; [newlabelnamefield setbackgroundcolor:[uicolor whitecolor]]; [newlabelnamefield resignfirstresponder]; [newlabel addsubview:newlabelnamefield]; [newlabel show]; 

the main problem facing resignfirstresponder not working, keyboard not hiding when return key pressed.
secondly there way can write method has executed when ok button pressed, adding label name received using text field database. method has executed if press ok button, not cancel button.

1) second question, first set tag uialertview newlabel.tag = 5;

2) write following delegate method of uialertview checking tag & buttonindex.

- (void)alertview:(uialertview *)alertview clickedbuttonatindex:(nsinteger)buttonindex {     if (alertview.tag == 5 && buttonindex == 1)//ok button clicked     {         //write code      } } 

3) first question, write delegate method of uitextfield like

- (bool)textfieldshouldreturn:(uitextfield *)textfield {     [textfield resignfirstresponder];     return yes; } 


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