python - Tornado request handler mapping to international characters -

i want able match url requests internationalized characters, /comisión. setup:

class application(tornado.web.application):     def __init__(self):         handlers = [              '''some handlers, , this: '''             (r"/([\w\:\,]+)", internationalizedhandler)             ]             tornado.web.application.__init__(self, handlers, **settings) 

but setting locales in tornado doesn't seem right solution. how possible set regex catch characters such é,å,µ etc.? changing re mode in python do?

tl;dr: it's impossible tornado's built-in router.

tornado buries regexp compiling handler patterns pretty deep, @stema's suggestion use re.unicode flag difficult, because it's not clear pass in flag. there 2 ways tackle particular problem: subclass urlspec , override __init__ function, or put flag prefix in pattern.

the first option lot of work. second option takes advantage of feature in python's re module in patterns may specify (?u) @ beginning of pattern instead of passing in re.unicode flag parameter.

unfortunately, neither option work since tornado matches patterns against request url before percent-decoding unicode string. therefore, compiling pattern unicode flag has no effect since you're matching against percent-encoded ascii urls, not unicode strings.


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