angularjs - The real (or hidden) difference/s between Twitter bootstrap and Angular.js -

i've been comparing these 2 frontend frameworks , can tell, seem exact same thing in terms of providing dev html, css , js frontend.

boostrap: sleek, intuitive, , powerful front-end framework faster , easier web development. (over 53 000 starred on github)

angular.js: angularjs structural framework dynamic web apps. (12 000 starred on github)

the ratings mean nothing, thought i'd put in there show isn't 'quickie' question didn't research.

from i've understood of angular through wikipedia, aims separate frontend design/layout/ui backend - database is, web server , business logic happens.

from understand of bootstrap (with js) can achieve exact same thing.

the angular site mentions:

other frameworks deal html’s shortcomings either abstracting away html, css, and/or javascript or providing imperative way manipulating dom. neither of these address root problem html not designed dynamic views.

now i'm not sure if they're taking potshots @ backbone or maybe bootstrap (and if offended easily, ignore potshots comment), me, can't make out real , true differences there between 2.

maybe there's advanced info dom or other minute/tiny aspect/s of js or html make 2 different, don't see it.

ps. no sof question exists, nor blogs speak (unless ranked low or i'm asking wrong way).

i discovered people working on porting on aspects of bootstrap angular.

edit: thinking it, realized bootstrap offers resizing option different screen views, i'm not sure if angular does. if not, difference?

bootstrap , angularjs 2 different frameworks.

from tags-info


bootstrap front-end framework twitter designed kickstart development of webapps , sites. among other things, includes base css , html typography, icons, forms, buttons, tables, layout grids, navigation along custom-built jquery plug-ins , support responsive layouts.


angularjs open-source javascript framework building crud centric ajax style web applications. goal shim browser augment html vocabulary directives useful building dynamic web-apps.

angular ships directives add 2-way databinding, dom control , unrolling, code-behind dom, form validation, , deep-linking.

from understand of bootstrap (with js) can achieve exact same thing.

no same thing cannot achieved bootstrap. angularjs gives features like, 2-way data binding, deep linking, routing, transition animations , lot lot more. bootstrap provides custom jquery based plugins, cool , feel, css classes media queries etc. awesome angular can used along other libraries.


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