android - Resize text in Textbutton -

helo guys! i'm trying set size of text in textbutton using libgdx , scene2d.

here's how create , initialize textbutton object:

skin skin = new skin(); skin.add("white", new texture(gdx.files.internal("data/texture.jpg"))); skin.add("default", new bitmapfont());  textbutton.textbuttonstyle textbuttonstyle = new textbutton.textbuttonstyle(); textbuttonstyle.up = skin.newdrawable("white"); textbuttonstyle.down = skin.newdrawable("white", color.dark_gray); textbuttonstyle.checked = skin.newdrawable("white",; textbuttonstyle.over = skin.newdrawable("white", color.light_gray); textbuttonstyle.font = skin.getfont("default"); skin.add("default", textbuttonstyle);  textbutton newgame = new textbutton("hello button",skin); 

after button text in created perfectly, don't understand how can change it's text size.

i've tried every method of label object:

newgame.getlabel().setscale(10); newgame.getlabel().setwidth(100); 

and on. question is: how can change text size in textbutton?

try changing size of font scaling. textbuttonstyle.font.setscale(..)

id recommend take @ freetypefontgenerator can create fonts in different sizes without scaling, out of regular .tff files.


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