c# - Format price in Danish with curency symbol on right -

how can format price in eval() method price in danish , currency symbol on right c# ?

i have following in .aspx page display price:

<td class="text-right price-col"><%# eval("price", "{0:c}") %></td> 

but display price e.g. kr. 79,00 .. want 79,00 kr.

i saw post changing currency symbol location in system.globalization.numberformatinfo , added method in codebehind gives me result want:

<td class="text-right price-col"><%# priceformat(79) %></td>  protected string priceformat(decimal price) {         system.globalization.cultureinfo danish = new system.globalization.cultureinfo("da-dk");         danish = (system.globalization.cultureinfo)danish.clone();         // adjust these suit         danish.numberformat.currencypositivepattern = 3;         danish.numberformat.currencynegativepattern = 3;         decimal value = price;         string output = value.tostring("c", danish);          return output;     } 

but can use priceformat method eval() method right price parameter or modify format in eval() method same? example insert static value parameter (79).

eval returns object, can cast decimal , pass parameter priceformat method:

<%# priceformat((decimal)eval("price")) %> 


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