java - Creating file with empty title -

i tried creating file empty title or space , worked cannot find file in directory. not delete or rename file.

file dir1 = new file("dir1"); dir1.mkdir(); file file1 = new file(dir1, ""); file1.createnewfile(); 

system.out.println(file1.exists()); returns true if execute file1.delete() or file1.renameto(...)

since passing empty string child, file1 same dir1, you're doing file1 happening directory created.

here sample:

public static void main(string[] args) {  file directory = new file("/home/test"); directory.mkdir();  file file = new file(directory, "");  system.out.println(file.exists()); system.out.println(file.getabsolutepath()); system.out.println(directory.getabsolutepath());  file.delete(); system.out.println(directory.exists()); system.out.println(file.exists());   } 


true /home/test /home/test false false 


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