javascript - Ajax form submit twice when include jcarousel script -

i'm using ajax submit form, when click button add cart form submit twice if remove jcarousel , form submit normal.

<form id="formrandom1473" name="formrandom1473" method="post" action="ajax_process.php?case=add_product_ajax&amp;pid=1473">    <input type="hidden" value="1473" name="products_id">    <input type="hidden" value="1" name="qty">    <div class="add_to_cart_div">       <input type="image" border="0" id="add-to-cart-1473" title=" add cart " alt="add cart" src="includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_in_cart.gif">    </div> </form>  <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() {     $("#add-to-cart-1473").click(function () {       var formrandom1473 = $("#formrandom1473");      formrandom1473.submit(function () {          $.ajax({             type: formrandom1473.attr("method"),             url: formrandom1473.attr("action"),             data: formrandom1473.serialize(),             success: function (data) {                 $("#output").html(data);                 $(".message_div").addclass("message_success").slidedown().delay(6000).slideup(); // div success                 $(".cart_counter").load("ajax_process.php?case=cart_counter"); // load new quantity / quantity                    $(".shopping_cart_box").load("ajax_process.php?case=shopping_cart_box"); // load new shopping cart box / product                      $(".cart_dropdown").load("ajax_process.php?case=cart_dropdown"); // load new shopping cart box / product                                          }         });             $("formrandom1473").unbind();         return false;      });          /* effect */         var productx = $("#cart-image-1473").offset().left;         var producty = $("#cart-image-1473").offset().top;         var basketx = $("#boxcart-content").offset().left;         var baskety = $("#boxcart-content").offset().top;         var gotox = basketx - productx;         var gotoy = baskety - producty;         var newimagewidth = $("#cart-image-1473").width() / 3;         var newimageheight = $("#cart-image-1473").height() / 3;          $("#wrapper").html("");         $("#wrapper").css({"position":"absolute","top": producty,"left": productx});          $("#cart-image-1473").clone()             .prependto("#wrapper")             .css({"position" : "absolute", "border" : "1px dashed black"})             .animate({opacity: 0.6})             .animate({opacity: 0.0, marginleft: gotox, margintop: gotoy, width: newimagewidth, height: newimageheight}, 1200,             function() {             });     /* effect */          }); //click  }); //ready </script>  <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() {     $('.mycarousel').jcarousel(); }); </script> 

i tried use $("formrandom1473").unbind(); problem still same.

did mean use $("#formrandom1473").unbind(); # instead?

or, since stored jquery object earlier:


if unbind doesn't work you, try instead, move before $.ajax:

formrandom1473.submit(function() { return false; }); 

also, check js console errors.


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