Leaflet zoom out when no tiles -

i have offline map leaflet. due reason of minimal weight in megabytes map has 2 sectors: first sector has zooms 11th 14th. second sector has zooms 11th 17th.

i need when user see map in first sector , want zoom in more 14th zoom map not allow , automatically zoom out 14th zoom.

and when user want zoom second sector - it's work 17th zoom.

i use code:

 var layer1 = new l.tilelayer('map/all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { minzoom: 11, maxzoom: 14,   errortileurl:'empty.png', opacity:1});     var layer2 = new l.tilelayer('map/center/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { minzoom: 15, maxzoom: 17,errortileurl:'empty.png', opacity:1});       var map = new l.map('map', {     center: new l.latlng(55.74178084263216, 37.607244264547475),     zoom: 11,     minzoom: 11,     maxzoom: 17,     layers: [layer1,layer2]     }); 

you can catch event when map's zoom level changes, , make appropriate decisions here based on 1 of sectors showing.

i'm not sure how you're determining sector shown, example code below has comment. put logic in here determining layer shown.

// called when map zoom changes map.on('zoomend', function() {     if (/*the map set sector 1*/) {         // if user zooms past 14, set them 14.         if (map.getzoom() > 14) {             map.setzoom(14);         }     } }); 


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