materialized views - Oracle 11gR2 MView refresh failing -

hi have created 5 mviews tables in remote db 2 days in production environment. out of 1 mview, @ time of creation worked fine. 2 days after(today) mview's last refresh date still showing day before yesterday's date.

  1. i checked on dba_jobs: last_date,next_date,broken,interval,failures,what null,"23-jul-13 01:00:00", n,"trunc(sysdate+1)+1/24",12,"dbms_refresh.refresh('"occss_entmt_hk"."mv_sci_std_code_value"');"

mview create statement:

create materialized view mv_sci_std_code_value   build immediate   using index   refresh force on demand start sysdate+0 next trunc(sysdate+1)+1/24   primary key using default local rollback segment   using enforced constraints disable query rewrite   select stv_std_code_num standard_code,     stv_std_code_value standard_code_value,     stv_std_code_value_desc description,     stv_prnt_std_code_value parent_code p03   stv_std_code_num    in ('19','31','54','5','6','300')   , p03.update_status_ind <> 'd';     comment on materialized view mv_sci_std_code_value  'snapshot table snapshot mv_sci_std_code_value'; 

the mview scheduled run once in 1 day. failures shown 12.

  1. i couldn't find jobs above in dbms_jobs_running.

i need investigate issue. possible issues have caused failure?


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