python - multithreading windows apache server -

i'm working apache 2.2, had tried run 2 threads (parallel) seeming it's not working 2 threads running sequentially.

how can force running simultaneously (parallel) ??


import time  def application(environ, start_response):      status = '200 ok'      output = str(time.time())     time.sleep(5)     output += '<br/>' + str(time.time())     response_headers = [('content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'),                         ('content-length', str(len(output)))]     start_response(status, response_headers)     return [output] 

i had inserted @ the end of httpd.conf following:

include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf  <ifmodule mpm_winnt_module>         threadsperchild   253         maxrequestsperchild     0 </ifmodule>  <virtualhost *>         servername localhost             wsgiscriptalias / c:\test\test.wsgi         <directory c:\test>                 order deny,allow                 allow         </directory> </virtualhost> 

i'm getting thats works not parallely,

the 1st thread: 1374420108.56 1374420113.56

the 2nd thread: 1374420113.57 1374420118.57


the problem solved, it's seeming "test misuse", had test multiple tabs same browser, somehow browser doesn't handle these multiple concurrent requests, tried different browsers , it's working !!


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