python - python3, ftplib storlines error -

i want upload ascii file. used work in python 2:

ftp = ftplib.ftp('') ftp.login('',password) ftp.cwd('subdirectory') ftp.storlines('stor ' + 'file.htm', open('file.htm','r')) ftp.close() 

however, in python 3 returns error:

  file "/usr/local/lib/python3.3/", line 497, in storlines     if buf[-1] in b_crlf: buf = buf[:-1] typeerror: type str doesn't support buffer api 

what doing wrong?

i read documentation:

"lines read until eof file object file (opened in binary mode) using readline() method provide data stored."

so had open in binary mode:

ftp.storlines('stor ' + 'file.htm', open('file.htm','rb')) 


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