C++ Makefile %.c works, %.cpp not? -

i wrting simple makefile c++ files here problem not understand. have 2 folders

/src .cpp files

  • main.cpp
  • check cpp

/include .hpp files

  • check.hpp

my makefiles looks this

libs = -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system cc   = g++ vpath = src include cppflags = -i include  ### files ### obj = main.o check.o  ### rules ### all: sfml-app  sfml-app: $(obj)     $(cc) -o sfml-app $(obj) $(libs)  %.o: %.c     $(cc) -c $<  clean:     rm -rf *o $(obj)  

if use makefile likes this, works fine. if change %.o: %.c %.o: %.cpp said

src/main.cpp:2:21: critical  error: check.hpp: file or folder not found 

is wrong write .cpp instead of .c c++ project? confused me bit. why .c works finde , .cpp not.

thanks :) !

the flags variable c++ language called cxxflags, , should using $(cxx) instead of $(cc) in code. cppflags variable preprocessor arguments.


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