css3 - Kendo Mobile - "flat" skin incorrectly displays footer tabstrip tabs on Android 2.3 -

when testing on both android 2.3 simulator , devices, tabstrip adds tab blank (black background). occurs when there more 1 tab in tabstrip. upon removing "skin" property of kendo mobile app initialization, tabstrip correct.

does new skin have sort of differing flexbox implementation causing this? again, occurs on android 2.3.

i using kendo ui mobile q2 2013 release w/ jquery 1.9.1.


<div data-role="view">     <footer data-role="footer">         <div data-role="tabstrip">         <a href="tab1.html">tab1</a>         <a href="tab2.html">tab2</a>         <a href="tab3.html">tab3</a>     </div>     </footer> </div> 


var app = new kendo.mobile.application(document.body, {     skin: "flat"     }); 


interestingly enough, problem not occur when using template define footer.


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