Using HTML attributes in javascript -

i beginner in javascript. i'm trying add function generate new form elements using javascript, on page that's generated in php.

the code works in creating new <tr>, <td>, <input type="text"> html elements. when try create buttons using css styles, find styles lost tags.

if(document.createelement)  var tr = document.createelement("tr"); var input = document.createelement("input"); // if ns passed, should become ns[2] etc = field+"["+count+"]"; = field+"["+count+"]"; input.type = "text"; //type of field - can valid input type text,file,checkbox etc.  var td=document.createelement("td"); var newcontent = document.createtextnode("ns"); td.appendchild(newcontent);  tr.appendchild(td);      td=document.createelement("td");         td.appendchild(input); tr.appendchild(td);                   var btndel=document.createelement("a"); btndel.class="btn btn-primary"; btndel.onclick = "addfield(\'nameservers\',\'ns\',10);" ;   var btntext=document.createelement("span"); btntext.class="btn-label"; btntext.innerhtml="add";   btndel.appendchild(btntext);         td.appendchild(btndel); tr.appendchild(td);          field_area.appendchild(tr);  } 

the produced code shows:

<a><span>add</span> </a> </td> 

instead of expect:

<a onclick="addfield('nameservers','ns',10);" class="btn btn-primary"> <span class="btn-label">add      </span> </a> 

what doing wrong? what's proper way of passing html attributes using script?

for on click

instead of trying output html, why not in pure javascript, using addeventlistener method?

element.addeventlistener('click', function() {      addfield('nameservers','ns',10);      }, false); 

this approach known non-obtrusive javascript, , it's quite desirable attribute when developing website.

for class

as mentioned, use classname , not class.

class precedes declaration of new class, , can't used attribute, in same way can't call variable var.


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