How do you make a multi lined text document within a batch file? -

what mean this:

echo testing >> new_text_document.txt

is there way give "testing" multiple lines?

might work better variables like:

set xyz= testing echo %testing% >> new_text_document.txt

i don't know. if can help, apreaciated. in advance.

there many ways, depends on need. 1 way put newline in variable (note 2 empty lines critical):

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set nl=^   echo two!nl!lines >> new_text_document.txt 

use 1 or 2 > not matter. since >> appends can many lines of echo too

@echo off :other stuff echo multiple  >> new_text_document.txt echo lines  >> new_text_document.txt echo.  >> new_text_document.txt echo of text  >> new_text_document.txt 

that may clunky instead

@echo off :other stuff (   echo multiple    echo lines    echo.     echo of text   ) >> new_text_document.txt 

last not least can similar bash trick have no eol marker.

@echo off more +4 %~f0 >> new_text_document.txt exit /b   multi line  text 

in addition possible loop file way can have eol marker many different pieces.


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