ios - How to add and use a custom font in my xcode project -

i trying add , use font within app. i've followed post reference can't work.

i've added font frutiger95ultrablack.ttf supporting file , added {app-name}-info.plist.

then tried use in app delegate change uinavegationbar nothing happens.

what missing??

 [[uinavigationbar appearance] settitletextattributes:[nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:                                                           [uicolor whitecolor], uitextattributetextcolor,                                                           [uifont fontwithname:@"frutiger95ultrablack" size:16.0], uitextattributefont,nil]]; 

(from above comment:) [uifont fontwithname:...] requires postscript name of font parameter, might different file name.


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