php - Array splice with a custom key -

say have code

$test = array(); $test['zero'] = 'abc'; $test['two'] = 'ghi'; $test['three'] = 'jkl'; dump($test);  array_splice($test, 1, 0, 'def');  dump($test); 

which gives me output

array (     [zero] => abc     [two] => ghi     [three] => jkl )  array (     [zero] => abc     [0] => def     [two] => ghi     [three] => jkl ) 

is there anyway can set key, instead of 0 one? in actual code need in, position, (1 in example) , require key (one in example) dynamic.

something this:

$test = array_merge(array_slice($test, 0, 1),                     array('one'=>'def'),                     array_slice($test, 1, count($test)-1)); 

or shorter:

$test = array_merge(array_splice($test, 0, 1), array('one'=>'def'), $test); 

even shorter:

$test = array_splice($test, 0, 1) + array('one'=>'def') + $test; 

for php >= 5.4.0:

$test = array_splice($test, 0, 1) + ['one'=>'def'] + $test; 


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