c# - Best data structure for representing English-verb-forms-like information -

update: have formulated question in abstract terms, way less illustrative. please don't downvote being specific.

i need come data structure keep information english verb forms. in cases verb can in 1 of 4 forms: base, present participle, past participle , past simple, example:

  • take
  • taking
  • taken
  • took

it's seemingly easy define 4 types each form , on it. there few exceptions ruin simple idea.

  1. present single third person form, in our example "he/she/it takes".
  2. copular verb "to be" has multiple irregular forms in present tense: "am", "is", "are" , "was" , "were" in past tense
  3. verbs "may" don't inflect in present single third person form: "she may".

what data structure efficient, accurate yet unambiguous representing such information (with exceptional cases) given following requirements have met:

  • for arbitrary form answer question conjugations form represents
  • for arbitrary conjugation , form answer question whether form represents given conjugation or not?

update: efficient meant that

  • answering stated questions should rather fast slow
  • memory consumption should rather low high
  • definition of data structure should rather concise verbose (i understand efficiency subject trade-offs)

tables need:

infinitives -------- infinitiveid name  tenses (i.e. present, preterite, imperative, past, present continuous,          past continuous, past perfect continuous, future, etc., etc.) ------ tenseid name   subjects (i.e. i, you, he/she, we, plural you, they) ------- subjectid name  conjugations ------------ infinitiveid  tenseid  subjectid conjugation 

infinitiveid smallint unless have more 32,000 verbs (which highly doubt). tenseid , subjectid tinyint, infinitiveid int, , name fields varchar.

your update on 'efficient' rather meaningless because you've said "i want best of worlds, though realize there have trade-offs". haven't told how plan use this. example, going publicly accessible database that's getting hammered high amounts of traffic? going grammar checker in word processor 1 person using @ time? don't know how tell best trade-offs if don't tell you're doing it.

without knowing more do, suggestion not worry memory requirement @ all. make huge lookup table every single possibility (understanding there ton of repetition of verbs on conjugations use same forms). can't imagine have enough verbs doing put close consider big database.


a possible improvement above add table contains unique verb conjugations. way conjugations table reference id table rather having repeat actual text of verb on , on again.


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