c++ indexing values from a .txt file and reorder them in a new file with a different structure -

i'm still c++ beginner, didn't myself find solution problems below.

i have 2 problems:

  • i want load , index values file input.txt structured follows:

    (x) (y) [colorname1, colorname2, colorname3, colorname4] [density1, density2, density3, density4]

    • i create 10 vector containers, don't know how "explain" program how find position of data structure of file...


(notice same 'colorname', example: 'pink', can appear @ colorname3 or colorname2, or anywhere in 4 colorname positions)

this data structure of input.txt file:

1 23  ['pinkwa', 'gb', 'pink', 'tuwa'][ 0.20078624  0.72376615  0.06735505  0.00809256]  1 24  ['pinkwa', 'gb', 'pink', 'tuwa'][ 0.19900636  0.72874652  0.06998165  0.00226546]  1 25  ['or0a', 'pink', 'pinkwa', 'gb'][ 0.00155317  0.07161603  0.19596207  0.73086873]  1 26  ['or0a', 'pink', 'pinkwa', 'gb'][ 0.00409427  0.07261927  0.19211352  0.73117294]  1 27  ['or0a', 'pink', 'pinkwa', 'gb'][ 0.00663538  0.07362251  0.18826497  0.73147715] 

my second problem reordering imported data:

  • i have list of (x) (y) , colorname

i want access:

  • for existing (x) (y) duet and,
  • for given colorname

colorname (x) (y) (density)

how can that? thank much

reading in data file pretty easy, if format little different:

instead of:

1 23  ['pinkwa', 'gb', 'pink', 'tuwa'][ 0.20078624  0.72376615  0.06735505  0.00809256] 


1 23  pinkwa gb pink tuwa 0.20078624 0.72376615 0.06735505 0.00809256 

then use code:

class pointclass //i called pointclass because didn't know is, load there ;) { public:     pointclass(){};     ~pointclass(){};      int x, y;     std::string color1, color2, color3, color4;     float density1, density2, density3, density4; } 


ifstream in_stream; in_stream.open("input.txt"); std::vector<pointclass> points;  while(!in_stream.eof()) {     pointclass newpoint;      in_stream >> newpoint.x >> newpoint.y;     in_stream >> newpoint.color1 >> newpoint.color2 >> newpoint.color3 >> newpoint.color4;     in_stream >> newpoint.density1 >> newpoint.density2 >> newpoint.density3 >> newpoint.density4;      points.push_back(newpoint); } 

then can whatever want data.

for accessing data specific x|y pair, thing comes mind searching through vector this:

bool searchpoint(std::vector<pointclass>* points, pointclass* out, int searchx, int searchy) {     for(int i=0; i<points->size(); i++)     {         if(points->at(i).x != searchx) continue;         if(points->at(i).y != searchy) continue;         out = *(points->at(i));         return true;     }     return false;  } 

use function this:

// 'points' loaded vector pointclass* mypoint; bool result = searchpoint(&points, mypoint, 3, 5); // looking data @ x=3 | y=5  if(!result){     std::cout<<"no point data @ 3|5 found!"<<std::endl; }else{     // whatever want data:     // example:     std::cout<<"point data @ 3|5:"<<std::endl;     std::cout<<mypoint->color1<<" "<<mypoint->color2<<" "<<mypoint->color3<<" "<<mypoint->color4<<std::endl; } 

this code not tested should work , should give idea of need do... @ least hope so.


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