oracle - InvalidOperationException with ExecuteOracleScalar() -

i need select value database:

    string attrident = "";                 oraclecommand sel_attr = new oraclecommand(@"      select          identifier_               tbl_a_custom_form_base_attr              templateuuid in(                         select uuid                          tbl_a_custom_form_template                         parentuuid =:projid)          , identifier_ in ('xxx',                             'yyy',                             'zzz')", conn);      sel_attr.parameters.add("projid", oracletype.nvarchar).value = id;     sel_attr.commandtype = commandtype.text;     attrident = convert.tostring(sel_attr.executeoraclescalar()); 

but got invalidoperationexception in

 attrident = convert.tostring(sel_attr.executeoraclescalar()); 

what's i'm doing wrong?


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