android Google+ returns user birthday year as 0000 -

i using google+ in application user login , posting on user wall.

posting on user wall works fine.

but when try user profile data returns user birthday year 0000.and happens user , other user correct birthdate.

i have following code initialize google+ client

mplusclient = new plusclient.builder(getapplicationcontext(), this, this)                     .setvisibleactivities("").setscopes(scopes.plus_login, scopes.plus_profile).build(); 

and have following code retrieve user profile data:

mplusclient.loadperson(this, "me"); @override     public void onpersonloaded(connectionresult arg0, person arg1)         {             log.i("person",""+arg1.tostring());             if (currentperson.hasbirthday())                             {                                 string birthday = currentperson.getbirthday();                                 mylog.i("birthdate :", "" + birthday);                             }             } 

why so? why happens users? missing something?

please me.

users can decide in profile settings, whether want have birthday public (which ones get) , additional setting whether want year included well. when setting disabled 0000 year instead of real year.

birthday settings


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