Beautifulsoup Python nested text -

i wanted obtain text "some text" nested within tags this:

<tr>    <td>cme globex</td>    <td colspan="4">    text    <a target="_blank"" href="http://...>view rollover dates</a>    </td> </tr> 

i .findall('tr') first, some_tr.findall('td', colspan=4) second , some_td.find(text=true). there more efficient way this? there way keep traversing through tags , find text?

you can use xpath expressions using lxml:

html = """<tr>    <td>cme globex</td>    <td colspan="4">    text    <a target="_blank"" href="http://...">view rollover dates</a>    </td> </tr>"""  import lxml.html  tree = lxml.html.fromstring(html) print tree.xpath('//tr/td[@colspan="4"]/text()') 

not you're after...

another way maybe find anchor links "view rollover dates" , take preceding element...

from bs4 import beautifulsoup soup = beautifulsoup(html) in soup.find_all('a', text='view rollover dates'):     print a.previous_element 


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