flex - Is there a style that will change the caret selection color in a Spark List? -

is there style or property change caret selection color in spark list?

note: caret selection border color around row when using keyboard navigation. not selected row.

okay, tested around bit and

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:itemrenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"              xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"              xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"              autodrawbackground="true" height="60"> <fx:script>     <![cdata[          [bindable] public var color1:uint = 0xe54545;         [bindable] public var color2:uint = 0xe5d145;          [bindable] public var color3:uint = 0xa3e545;         [bindable] public var color4:uint = 0x45e5c6;         [bindable] public var color5:uint = 0x4564e5;         [bindable] public var color6:uint = 0xe545c6;       ]]> </fx:script>       <s:states>         <s:state name="normal"/>                     <s:state name="hovered"/>         <s:state name="selected"/>         <s:state name="normalandshowscaret"/>         <s:state name="hoveredandshowscaret"/>         <s:state name="selectedandshowscaret"/>     </s:states>       <s:rect left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">         <s:stroke.normalandshowscaret>             <s:solidcolorstroke                  color="{color1}"                  weight="1"/>         </s:stroke.normalandshowscaret>         <s:stroke.hoveredandshowscaret>             <s:solidcolorstroke                  color="{color2}"                  weight="1"/>         </s:stroke.hoveredandshowscaret>         <s:stroke.selectedandshowscaret>             <s:solidcolorstroke                  color="{color3}"                  weight="1"/>         </s:stroke.selectedandshowscaret>         <s:fill>             <s:solidcolor                  color.normal="{color1}"                 color.normalandshowscaret="{color2}"                  color.hovered="{color3}"                 color.hoveredandshowscaret="{color4}"                 color.selected="{color5}"                 color.selectedandshowscaret="{color6}"                 />         </s:fill>     </s:rect>     <s:label text="{data}"/>  </s:itemrenderer> 

and actual caret color third stroke, "s:stroke.selectedandshowscaret". why first comment didn't work because binded color="{selectioncolor}" default, need make custom itemrender or adjust current itemrenderer match.


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