namespaces - Using external libraries in TYPO3 V 6.1 for an Extension -

according typo3 v6 , using namespaces encouraged , php file should contain 1 class. quoting above link

 - in typo3 every class must reside in own file, i.e. there should    1 class per php file  - use class naming convention , file location. 

my extension built using extension builder. uses twitter api library , there 1 file config.php used. file contains multiple classes in it.

the question is, use config.php , following 2 conditions, should divide config.php multiple php files, each single class in ?

or there neat way go ?

leave external code is. coding guidelines extension , core development itself, don't need modify extenal libraries match guideline.

simply include external scripts with

require_once t3lib_extmgm::siterelpath('your_extension_key') . 'path/to/the/script.php'; 

and start using them.


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