ruby on rails 3 - Disabling SSL for a Heroku App -

i changed domain rails app have running on heroku. redirected original new one, , last couple of months have been running ssl on both. tried remove ssl original domain since redirect.

i did thought should:

  • turned off ssl in app config.force_ssl = false in production.rb
  • changed dns alias , cname point ""
  • removed ssl endpoint , certs

if go, fine, if go, or automatically tries take me secure version of site,, , standard security error warning browser.

am missing something? caching issue? take time dns change kick in? i've tried on few machines/browsers, , issue consistent across of them.

worst case, can add ssl endpoint on, seems overkill.

config.force_ssl = true enables strict transport security header(hsts) max-age of 1 year. see issue. such header forces browsers support contact server on https 1 year. prevent attacks in man in middle downgrades https connection http.

moving out of https production sites served hsts not easy. should keep site served on https , return hsts header max-age=0 reset 1 year setting. problem decide how long need keep https. absolutely sure clients switched, should 1 year. may decide shorter period, @ risk of breaking site clients visiting infrequently.


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