ruby on rails - Why does my controller render the wrong view? -

i have 2 controllers, , 1 inherits other:

class firstcontroller < applicationcontroller   ...   def show    ...   end end  class secondcontroller < firstcontroller   ...   def show    ...   end end 

the views folder first controller contains following files:

  • views/first/show.html.erb
  • views/first/show.js.erb

the views folder second controller contains html file:

  • views/second/show.html.erb

render or redirect not being called within controller's show methods.

when call secondcontroller#show js, expect views/first/show.js.erb rendered, not happening. in response: rendered second/show.html.erb.

if remove file views/second/show.html.erb, there no problem, , in response rendered first/show.js.erb. why happening?

what can call js view of parent controller in non-explicit way rendering first/show?

that's pretty weird. shot in dark, happens if in second controller explicitly tell file render js?

class secondcontroller < firstcontroller   def show     respond_to |format|       format.js { render "first/show.js" }       format.html     end   end end 


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