What is the equivalent DISTINCT(sql server) in the Linq -

i have table(send) columns(id, userid,senddate) , table(receive) columns(id,sendid,username).

i want show records in sendtable recieveusername.

for example.

(send) 1   1   2013 2   2   2013   (recieve) 1   1   jack 2   1   ema 3   2   alex 4   2   sara   result 1   1   2013  jack, ema 2   2   2013  alex, sara 

i use query in sqlserver (the distinct keyword eliminates duplicate rows results of select statement)

select distinct c2.id, (select    str( username )+ ','          dbo.reciver c1      c1.sendid = c2.id xml path('')) concatenated, c2.senddate, c2.userid          dbo.send c2 inner join  dbo.reciver on c2.id = dbo.reciver.sendid 

how query in linq?

it doesn't seem me need use distinct in linq query. assuming have relationships between tables set on linq datacontext, can this:

var result = s in context.send              select new {                  id = s.id,                  userid = s.userid,                  date = s.senddate,                  users = s.receive.select(u => u.username)              } 

note: users ienumerable<string> - can use string.join() on client join names string.


to return users string first need 'switch' linq objects calling asenumerable() or tolist() , linq sql query.

var output = s in result.asenumerable()              select new {                  id = s.id,                  userid = s.userid,                  date = s.date,                  users = string.join(", ", s.users)              } 

also see gert arnolds answer explanation.


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