actionscript 3 - Why isn't my MovieClip displaying images? -

i made image in photoshop, , imported flash cs6. made movieclip pressing "f8" , set class name , everything, usual.

however, when try add in stage background image, won't show @ all. class name there in autocomplete, nothing shows up? i've verified image in symbol, again, nothing showing up. when run debugger, keep getting error:

unable open 'c:\src'.

i thought might have path imported image in flash, don't know how change it. it's not letting me edit path. can please tell me what's wrong? i'm absolutely clueless! help! (and yes, did add child display list -- that's not issue.)

edit: should note i'm using flash-builder. :) when do:

var bg:backgroundbase = new backgroundbase(); addchild(bg); 

...that's not working @ all, though should, , other movieclips in swc.

i ended having embed image. there's tutorial on how here:


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